It’s almost time again for motorsport fans and enthusiasts across the country to make their way to Gydo Pass, Ceres for the annual premier mountain race challenge.
Last year’s event received plenty of attention from the media due to the nature of the accidents that happened on that day (3 in total, 2 was serious), the event was finally cancelled after the 3rd accident…

Despite the unwanted incidents, it was a pleasant weekend. Supercars and highly modified vehicles made their way to the top of the mountain in blazing fast speeds… well some did, others were not so lucky.. and I must add, as a motorsport enthusiast and WRC fan myself, certain drivers do not belong in a race like this… I’ve seen better driving… the accidents that happened could have been avoided.. and then there is the issue with uneducated spectators. Marshalls tried their best to control the crowd but certain people are just plain idiots.. ignoring any and all the rules that has been laid out to them.

The first accident was caused by such a stupid spectator, the second was caused by a spectator parking his bakkie on the side of the road… directly in the racing line.. and the rules were clear that no unauthorized vehicles should be parked anywhere on the mountain.
The third accident was driver’s error, wrong line, locked up on the brakes, lost control and into the crowd.
I’m hoping that this year’s event will be a promising event, ridiculously fast cars, competent drivers and no unwanted incidents…

If I could make a request.. please leave your little ones at home, motorsport, particularly on a public road, is very dangerous, if you drink, do so responsibly and obey the rules of motorsport, listen to the request of the marshalls and obey them, don’t be an idiot and we should all be able to enjoy this event..
See you there and be safe …

Francois Willemburg