Did a big photoshoot yesterday, was exciting and fun and we are more than happy with the results. Immediately after the shoot I went to hospital to see how my baby is doing. I'm very happy with his health and he is doing just fine. The drip has been removed from his naval and now he is only being fed mommy's milk.. he's big boy already!
He has now been given a daily multi vitamin, Vi Daylin.
I got to hold him for the first time last night and it felt so good!! Daniel was also ecstatic about that 'coz he was smiling at me all the time!! We have thus far made a very good connection.
I recieved a beautiful poem from Janine (sister-in-law) and would like to share it with you...
it brought tears to my eyes just writing it...!
My Daddy's Hand
Daddy, take my hand in yours and you will plainly see,
How very much I need you now to love and to care for me.
As my little hand grows, I will need you even more,
Everything I do in life, I have never done before.
Teach me to be kind and loving, sharing and forgiving,
Show me through your acts of life the pure joy of giving.
The years will pass by so quickly, and one day I wiil be grown,
I will pass what you have taught me on to children of my own.
Hold me always in your thoughts and remember when we are apart,
The Special love between a child and a daddy's heart...
Love Daniel
Francois Willemburg
Freelance photographer
Wow, I can only imagine the feeling Francois... Glad to hear that everything is great with "Danny Boy"
I am just so happy for you guys,
Keep well, and send my love to Chantal and Daniel...
tx dude, I will fwd the msg to them. Daniel will probably be a big boy by the time you get to see him.. :-)
We must take some cool pics together with D when you come to CT.
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