so I guess I have not updated my blog for quite some time now hey... let me see, what excuse can i use for me being so slack... uhmm.. well no excuse comes to mind, it's just that i've so busy with work lately (not that i'm complaining), and then there's little Daniel as well that keeps us very, very occupied. Every time I get to look after Daniel he gets a free photoshoot, he's 5 months now, weighs 6.3kg's and has a photo catalogue of 3000+ pics.. (not just snapshots)...
isn't he too cute???

There's been a few weddings
Warren and Candice

and various events (Grand West Casino events as well) since my last post.. or view some of my albums here
Photofuzion albums on FB
Grand West Pirate Experience

StephG Glamazon event with Tracy McGregor

And then there's the new ZA Glamour magazine that's been keeping us, biz partner, Lesley Marks and myself very busy as well.
ZA Glamour mag

We've also managed to get our website live (temporary page for now)
The main site is due in about 2 weeks time (bookmark us and check back later for updates on the full site) would love to hear some comments, good or bad.
Website coding by Eustace Marks and Photofuzion logo designed by colleague Neil Whitehead.

Francois Willemburg
Freelance photographer
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